IndieSpace Deep Breath Reflections – January 13
As you may have seen, IndieSpace is taking a Deep Breath during January and February.
This is a time in which we’re moving a bit slower and taking the time to reflect on the last many years and think about what has been working and what needs to shift.
We’re asking questions like:
What is our community going to need moving forward?
What can we shed? Are there things that aren’t working in the way we hoped they would?
What do we need to prepare for with this incoming White House regime to be sure we are agile and are showing up in the best way possible for you?
We have a big, new space coming down the pipeline. Who do we need to be and what do we need to have ready so that the space is welcoming, warm, affordable, accessible, sustainable, and a place you all want to be?
Chronicling This Process
Over the next two months, we’re going to share regular updates during this process. We want to share during this time for several reasons:
1) Transparency is critical to our work and values. We want you to trust IndieSpace and have a better understanding of how we’re planning for the future.
2) While it is absolutely critical that we take this time for assessment, evaluation, and planning, we also recognize that we are privileged to do this. We want to chronicle our journey in case it provides value to our indie theater community. If you or your organization needs to do a similar evaluation, our reflections on this process may be helpful.
3) We want to highlight some potential topics that come up through this process. We’re asking questions that many organizations – especially those that provide funds and resources to the indie theater community – will need to ask and evaluate over the next year.
4) Your input is important! We did not want to do this process in a vacuum or bubble. If you have thoughts about what we’re doing and the questions we’re asking, we would love to hear them. Over the next two months, we’ll also ask our community certain prompts to help us better understand community needs and how people are looking ahead.
One of the best ways to give feedback now is our year-end survey. Help us shape 2025 and ensure that our programs are meeting your needs.
What programs do you love and want to see again? What didn’t work as well? What brilliant ideas do you have, and wish there was an organization to help you move that idea forward?
How We’ll Share Updates
Throughout this process, we’re recording short videos and written updates about what we’re working on, thinking about, and feeling.
We’ll share these once a week(ish) through a blog post on our website and social media.
IndieSpace Deep Breath Reflections – January 13
These are reflections from the past week:
January 7
Randi Berry – Video Diary
India Shanelle – Video Diary
January 8
Randi Berry – Video Diary
January 10
Joel Guzman – Writing ‘Pause and Breathe: Redefining Work Habits in a Nonprofit World’’
Your Feedback
Do you have thoughts or feedback? Let us know. Send a note to