News and Program Updates

Indie Theater Thursday – March 13
We’ll be sharing upcoming indie theater shows/productions happening in New York City. These are submitted by members of the IndieSpace community.
The Big Give 2024 – Appreciation and Thanks
Thanking the amazing people who helped make The Big Give such a special evening.

Pay Your People 2024 Recipients
A list of all Pay Your People grant recipients at The Big Give 2024.

Growing Small Budget Organizations – Oct. 7
Learn more about our Growing Small Budget Organizations call on October 7.

West Side Fest 2024 Wrap-Up
Thank you to everyone who supported last weekend’s West Side Fest. It was amazing to see so many folks come through to visit the West Village Rehearsal Co-Op (WVRC) and all of the cultural institutions along the west side of Manhattan.

Shameless Plugs from Indie Theater Discord Server
A collection of links and information from the Shameless Plugs channel on the Indie Theater Discord Server.

Guaranteed Income for Indie Theater Artists? YES, PLEASE!
Join IndieSpace, in collaboration with Creatives Rebuild NY, to learn more about Guaranteed Income and to help IndieSpace think through the nuts and bolts of an itty bitty mini GI pilot program that will launch in the fall.

The Big Give 2023 - Appreciation and Love
Sharing our thanks and love to the incredible people who made The Big Give happen!

The Big Give 2023 Recipients
A list of all Pay Your People grant recipients at The Big Give 2023

Cowork with us – December 5
Join IndieSpace for a co-working day at the Signature Theatre Lobby.
Work with us on Tuesday, December 5, from 12-4pm. You can work with us for the entire time or pop in for an hour.

The Big Give and Pay Your People Grants - November 28, 2023
Links and information for the The Big Give 2023 and our Pay Your People grant application!

Informal Town Hall: Urgent Issues Facing Independent Contractors, Employers, and Venue Operators
Details about a informal town hall to discuss urgent issues facing independent contractors, employers, and venue operators.

Celebrating our Anniversary
Sharing highlights and images from our recent anniversary celebration.

Opportunity Alert – Penn West Summer Series
The team that manages the Penn 1 West Plaza has an excellent pop-up opportunity for artists this summer that they wanted to share with IndieSpace artists.

Learn About Supertitles with Kairos Italy Theater and IndieSpace
All the details on an exciting workshop about Supertitles with Kairos Italy Theater happening on Monday, June 5, from 3:00-4:30pm.

Celebrate IndieSpace’s One-Year Anniversary
Celebrate our first year as a married organization at a super fun and casual Anniversary Shindig on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at Culture Lab LIC, from 6:30-9:30pm. Come hang out, play some party games, and connect with your IndieSpace family!

The Big Give 2022 Recipients
A list of all Pay Your People grant recipients at The Big Give 2022.

Details for The Big Give – Pay Your People Grants
We share all the details about The Big Give and the Pay Your People Grants. We provide links to register/apply, frequently asked questions, and important notes.

Wedding Gratitude
We’re still basking in the joy, love, and warmth of our merger ceremony. We wanted to share and thank some of the amazing partners, friends, and vendors who helped create such a special evening.