News and Program Updates

NYC Mental Health Offerings for February 2024
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

West Village Rehearsal Co-Op – March Availability
Information about the West Village Rehearsal Space's application to use the space for specific dates in March.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for January 2024
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for December
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

Cowork with us – December 5
Join IndieSpace for a co-working day at the Signature Theatre Lobby.
Work with us on Tuesday, December 5, from 12-4pm. You can work with us for the entire time or pop in for an hour.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for November
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options in November.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for October
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options in October.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for September
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

West Village Rehearsal Co-Op - Fall/Winter 2023 Availability
Information about the West Village Rehearsal Space's application to use the space for specific dates in August, October, and November.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for June
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs, online virtual options, and LGBTQIA+ mental health focused shows, and galleries.

Houghton Hall Arts - Discounted Space for IndieSpace Community
Information about the Houghton Hall Arts Community (HHAC) community hub with rehearsal, meeting, and gathering space. HHAC is offering IndieSpace artists a 50% discount when reserving space.

Learn About Supertitles with Kairos Italy Theater and IndieSpace
All the details on an exciting workshop about Supertitles with Kairos Italy Theater happening on Monday, June 5, from 3:00-4:30pm.

The Little Venue That Could
The Little Venue that Could provides unrestricted grants for indie theater and dance performance venues.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for May
A collection of free classes and workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for April
A collection of free classes and Workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

2023 Spring Community Resource Lottery
Sharing all of the details about our Spring 2023 Community Resource Lottery!
There are eight different opportunities for companies, venues, productions, and individual artists.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for March
A collection of free classes and Workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.

Mental Health Resources for Black Artists
We created an updated Mental Health Resources for Black Artists. This guide shares new Healing Resources, Therapist and Counseling Directories, and Black Mental Health Podcasts.

Milk and Eggs (Cost of Living) Micro Grant for Indie Theater Artists
All the details about IndieSpace’s new Milk and Eggs Micro Grants and how to apply.

NYC Mental Health Offerings for February
A collection of free classes and Workshops in the NYC Boroughs and Online Virtual options.